Liposomal Vitamin C Wards Off Free Radicals

Chances are, you’ve heard of free radicals. Perhaps you’ve seen a news story about them on television or read a magazine article about their connection to cancer. However, most people don’t fully understand what free radicals are, how they function, or what to do about them. Scientists are further investigating the impact of free radicals every day in order to help people avoid their harmful effects and live happier, healthier, longer lives. One way to fight free radicals is with antioxidants, special supplements and foods that may counteract the effects of these malignant molecules. One of the most powerful antioxidants is vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. At NanoNutra, we provide our clients with liposomal vitamin C, one of the most advanced and absorbable forms of this vitamin. Read on to learn more about how liposomal vitamin c wards off free radicals.
What Are Free Radicals?
You probably know they can be damaging and should be prevented if possible, but what exactly are free radicals? HOPES, or Huntington’s Outreach Project for Education, at Stanford, defines these pesky compounds as: “atoms or molecules that are highly reactive with other cellular structure because they contain unpaired electrons [the tiny particles all atoms have and that transmit electricity through the body].” Given their unstable nature, free radicals can disrupt your body’s functioning at the cellular level—they “can cause damage to parts of cells such as proteins, DNA, and cell membranes by stealing their electrons through a process called oxidation.” The loss of these important electrons can prevent proper cellular function or even kill the affected cells. Even more insidiously, free radicals can interfere with cell reproduction, causing a cascade of consequences. Thus, we need antioxidants to stop or slow this process.
Of course, the next question is: where do these molecules come from? HOPES answers: “free radicals are natural by-products of ongoing biochemical reactions in the body, including ordinary metabolic processes and immune system responses,” so they are to some degree normal and even required for some functions. However, free radicals have become more prevalent in modern day because they can also be generated by “the food we eat, the drugs and medicines we take, the air we breathe, and the water we drink [including] fried foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke, pesticides, air pollution, and many more.”
“Radical” Health Issues
Given that free radicals wreak havoc on your cells, the very building blocks of your body, they can contribute to a wide variety of medical issues, including:
- Nerve damage. HOPES writes: “numerous studies indicate that increased production of free radicals causes or accelerates nerve cell injury.” Without a healthy nervous system, your body can’t operate as it should, so this is a serious issue.
- A variety of cancers. As you may know, cancer results from irregular cell development, which can cause organ malfunction, tumors, and more. The National Cancer Institute explains: “the damage to cells caused by free radicals, especially the damage to DNA, may play a role in the development of cancer and other health conditions.”
- Skin conditions. As dermatologist Dr. Doris Day explains on ShareCare, “free radical damage is one of the main culprits involved in the rapid aging of the skin.”
- Other degenerative diseases. In his article on this topic in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology, TM Florence notes: “evidence is accumulating that most of the degenerative diseases that afflict humanity have their origin in deleterious free radical reactions. These diseases include atherosclerosis [the hardening of the arteries]…inflammatory joint disease, asthma, diabetes, senile dementia, and degenerative eye disease.”
How Vitamin C Can Help
As aforementioned, vitamin C is one of the most effective antioxidants we have. In her SF Gate article “Can Vitamin C Reduce Free Radicals?,” Lauren Elizabeth asserts: “vitamin C can combat free radicals and help to reduce your risk of cell damage and subsequent disease.” Basically, free radicals try to take electrons from cells, destabilizing them. Vitamin C has extra electrons, so free radicals can steal from it rather than other cells. A 2003 article from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition states: “vitamin C is an electron donor, and this property accounts for all its known functions…antioxidant effects of vitamin C have been demonstrated in many experiments.” On top of its basic (but vital) antioxidant properties, vitamin C offers several additional benefits to hamper free radicals. Lauren Elizabeth points out: “vitamin C may help to revive other antioxidants, such as vitamin E…a [2006 study] found that vitamin C helped to elongate the amount of time vitamin E stayed in the body.”
Why Liposomal Vitamin C?
To make the most of liposomal vitamin C’s antioxidant advantages, it’s important to take it in the right form. While tablets, powders, patches, and even intravenous treatments are available, one of the best options is liposomal vitamin C. Basically, liposome translates to “fat body,” and this type of vitamin C involves encasing the compound in special fats that mimic the miniscule size and materials of natural cell membranes. In her Health Matrix article on the topic, Dr Gabriela Segura describes: “a liposome is like a bag that carries a substance into your body and its cells… it is the same type of fat that make up cell membranes, making the job of crossing this barrier much easier. Plus liposomes are super tiny and…can go through every teensy crack of our cell barriers.”
In practice, liposomal vitamin C has an approximately 90 percent assimilation rate, getting the vitamin into your system without producing as many uncomfortable side effects as other kinds. When it comes to vitamin C as a defense against free radicals, it simply makes sense to deliver it directly to the cells. At NanoNutra, we make our liposomal vitamin C with nano-sized bubbles of sunflower lecithin, another substance that may help to repair cells. Our product is also GMO, soy, and BPA free.
Combat Free Radicals With NanoNutra
You can counter free radicals on the cellular level with our liposomal vitamin C.